Hi there!

I am someone who loves lists and checking “stuff” off those lists! I make a list for anything and everything – grocery shopping lists, to do lists, holiday shopping lists, the “list” goes on and on. Rarely will I leave the house without a list, whether it is on a scrap of paper or in Notes on my phone. You just can’t go wrong with a list!

I have found through the years that these lists help me stay organized. You know exactly what you need and where you can find it. They help me stay focused and not stray too far, which by the way, my wallet loves! My absolute favorite lists though center around a big life event – a wedding shower, a baby shower, an anniversary celebration. But you need an idea before you can even start a list. What do you think the bride to be would love to have? What about the expecting mom? You need an idea or you will be hopping from store to store, getting overwhelmed and heading home listless (the tired kind)!

Your Next Adventure – Your First Apartment

Another big life event is your First Apartment. This is possibly your first home away from home! Now this move is going to require some thought! What are you going to need? Do you need to buy a couch or is your big sister getting rid of her green suede sofa? Is your favorite aunt sending you off with a hand me down kitchen table? Did your mom find an old lamp up in the attic (if you dust it off and wipe off the cobwebs it just may still work). Regardless of what is donated for your next adventure, you will still need to buy some furnishings and accessories. You are definitely going to need a list! But what to put on it? Say you need a couch – what type of couch interests you? Maybe you like more of a modern look. Or maybe you like more of a traditional look. What color do you prefer? More of a light and airy color, or more of an eye-popping color. My hope is that this blog can get you pointed in the right direction to find that perfect coffee table and side chair. Pretty soon you’ll find yourself checking some stuff off your first apartment check list!

All the Best,


w: FirstTimeApartmentLiving.com

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