It’s finally here! You are heading towards a major milestone, your first apartment! It’s possibly your first time away from home and living on your own. You are excited and it’s now time to get organized!  There are some who are apprehensive and anxious about all that is ahead.  Some are worried thinking of all that needs to be done before, during and after the big move. Regardless, you are heading into a new chapter that is both exciting and nerve racking. This post and future posts will help put you at ease by offering some helpful ideas, checklists, etc. We are along for the journey – your first home away from home.

What’s First.

I would imagine your first action item is determining where you are going to live! Do you want an urban setting? You can see yourself in the middle of the hustle and bustle of city life. Maybe you envision being able to step outside your door and walk to the local coffee shop. How about your plan on walking to the office (have you hit 10,000 steps yet!). You are picturing the day you walk to meet up with friends for appetizers and cocktails. Or maybe you would enjoy living in a suburban neighborhood. Driving has never bothered you and you enjoy driving here there and everywhere! You want the flexibility to hop in your car and head to a local farmers market three towns over. Or maybe you decide at the last minute to pack up your car and head to the mountains for the weekend. Either way it is an exciting time deciding where your job will take you and where you will be setting up your apartment home, either city life or country living.

It’s about the location!

Do you want a high rise building with elevators? Do you want a smaller building with stairs only (hey, maybe you can skip the gym as you are climbing four flights of stairs to your front door). Speaking of gyms, do you want to cancel your membership because your new apartment building has its own gym? Are you thinking about bringing Milo along? Can you bring Milo and Cooper? Does the new building even allow for pets – is the max two dogs? Are there breed restrictions or weight restrictions? Will there be green space or a dog park close by? What about parking? Is it included and what is the monthly fee? Is it a gated community? A smoke-free community? Does the community host events so you can meet new neighbors? What type of lease term are you thinking? Is it a yearly rental or maybe your job requires you to be at this location for 15 months. What about a security deposit? Is that all that is required or does the management company also require the last month of rent? Do they charge for a rental application? Do they require renters insurance (never a bad idea and it is worth the inexpensive cost!). So much to consider! It’s all about you though and where you feel you will be the happiest and most comfortable. YOU decide what fits you best.

Your Journey.

Your next journey is not so overwhelming! You will get a plan in place that you can easily implement and move on to the next stage of your life. I am so excited for you and am here to help you along the way. Let’s get organized, let’s get some shopping done and let’s get moving!